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Light Up For A "Painless" Future

In China, domestic violence is considered to be an act that does not require severe punishment. In the past, domestic violence was perceived as a 'privilege' of the 'dominant' family member, who could beat and scold other family members at will. Many victims are also reluctant to seek help due to outdated perceptions. Yuan Zhong, an NGO dedicated to helping victims of domestic violence escape negative situations, can provide financial help and shelter. We try to light up the hope for a painless future.

Shuning Pan:

I am an international student from China and have been living in London for four years. I have interned at the headquarters of Phoenix TV and Xinhua News Agency in Beijing. My work mainly consisted of project planning, partner liaison and social media account operation. I am interested in ethic minority and gender inequality, and currently part of the University of Westminster's column decolonised student co-creation project.


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