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I Am Your Umbrella

The campaign was developed for a Chinese wireless bra brand, Ubras, which aims to increase its product value and brand reputation as well as improve its competitive status in the industry. The brand's main concept is “undefined freedom”, which coincides with the young consumers that pursue independence. The idea behind the advertising was to relax and convey an inspirational emotion and positive energy of youth. Women may experience different issues while growing up, Ubras aims to be the protective umbrella, always giving shelter. Physically, it brings you a sense of security; psychologically, you can be free and self-confident. Ubras is always by your side.

Peiwen Li

As an International student from China studying in the UK, besides three years studying Public Relations and Advertising in University of Westminster, I have been taking internships in relatives areas to gain work experience. I have worked for the global public relation company, MSL Shanghai, for 4 months as a public relator, changing various jobs in public relations work.

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